News | Newsletter | Posted on 14 Mar '19 by Maria Rooney | | 2019 Season Commences
Our Captain Noel Ryan and Lady Captain Bridie Griffin together with our President Noel Leonard will commence our Pitch and Putt year with our drive in this weekend. To our three Officers may we wish them the very best of good luck for the season ahead. Between them they will cover many parts of the country over the next few months supporting our members in the different competitions. We wish them safe driving and hopefully many memorable moments and some silverware to top off their year.
Wishing all our members a very Happy and Safe St. Patrick's Day.
Thank you to A & A Engineering Ltd. for your continued sponsorship of our drive in which is very much appreciated.
Honour for Peg Smith
On Saturday last 9th March Peg Smith received recognition of her lifetime's involvement with Pitch and Putt. Known throughout the country for many decades for her efficiency in the Administration of our sport Peg was elected to the Office of Patroness of the Pitch and Putt Union of Ireland at the National Convention in Templemore, Co. Tipperary last Saturday. What a wonderful personal achievement it is for Peg, a very proud occasion for her family and a National Honour for Lucan and our Club at the 12th Lock. Sincere congratulations Peg from your friends and fellow members in Lucan Pitch and Pull Club.
Attention all juveniles - Wednesday 17th April at 3pm sees the start of your season. Our juvenile committee will be in attendance and coaching will be provided. New members are welcome so why not come along any Wednesday afternoon and talk to any of committee who will be delighted to help you.
Membership Fees
Membership Fees are now overdue. Please ensure that you have filled out your Membership Renewal Form and enclose same with your Fee. Please see our website concerning the GDPR Regulations in connection with the Membership Renewal Form request.
New Members Welcome - Adults and Juveniles
Our Club is now open for membership. If you would like to join our Club please contact the Secretary in writing and we will be in touch with the relevant details by return. You can join as a family or individual or indeed you are more than welcome to call into the Club House and ask for any committee member who will be only too willing to discuss your enquiry - best time to call is at the weekend or contact us at info@lucanpitchandputt.com
Dates to Remember
Saturday 23rd March - Presentation of Captains' Drive In - Race Night and Music