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Membership Type


Card Payment




(Membership: €168 + Pre-Paid Competitions: €20 + P&P Ireland Reg: €17)




(Membership: €286 + Pre-Paid Competitions: €40 + P&P Ireland Reg: €34)




(Membership: €98 + Pre-Paid Competitions: €20 + P&P Ireland Reg: €17)

Student (16-17)**



(Membership: €60 + Pre-Paid Competitions: €20 + P&P Ireland Reg: €5)

Student (18+)**



(Membership: €63 + Pre-Paid Competitions: €20 + P&P Ireland Reg: €17)




(Membership: €25 + Pre-Paid Competitions: €0 + P&P Ireland Reg: €5)

Couple + 1 Juv



(Membership: €306 + Pre-Paid Competitions: €40 + P&P Ireland Reg: €39)

Couple + 2 Juvs



(Membership: €316 + Pre-Paid Competitions: €40 + P&P Ireland Reg: €44)

Couple + 3 Juvs



(Membership: €324 + Pre-Paid Competitions: €40 + P&P Ireland Reg: €49)




(Membership: €85 + Pre-Paid Competitions: €0 + P&P Ireland Reg: €0)


*SENIOR FEE: This applies to persons who have been an Adult member for 3 years and reached their 66th birthday (on March 1st of the current membership period). A new Senior member must pay the Adult fee for 3 years before they qualify for Senior rate of €135.

**STUDENT FEE; This applies to any student in full time education between the years of 16 & under 21 years of age.

*** ASSOCIATE FEE: Persons who have attained their sixteenth birthday, are registered members of any pitch and putt club properly affiliated to Pitch and Putt Ireland, who have been elected associate members of the Club, and who upon payment of annual subscription shall be bound by the Club's Constitution, Code of Conduct, local rules and bye-laws. Associate members shall not have any vote in the management of the Club and shall not be entitled to attend any Annual or General meetings of the Club. Associate members will not be entitled to any financial compensation arising from the sale of the Club or its assets. Furthermore, associate members are prohibited from competing in any internal club competitions or championships. Their rights to the privileges appertaining to the uses of the clubhouse or course shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Article 4.2 of the Constitution: The period of annual subscription commences on the 1st of March each year and terminates on the final day of February the following year.
(a) Annual subscriptions are due on the 1st of March each year.
(b) Any fee-paying member whose annual subscription remains unpaid on the 31st of March shall be deemed to have resigned their membership as of the final day of February of the current calendar year. Should they wish to re-join, they will be required to re-apply for membership of the Club in accordance with sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3.

For further information on joining, please write to the Secretary or call in to see us.


Green Fees & Societies

Green fees* are available at the cost of €8 per round or €10 for two rounds.

* All people paying Green Fees must be accompanied by a member and must wear golf shoes.

For information on Society bookings, please contact the Secretary.

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