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Important Dublin Leagues news from DCB

Posted on 23 Mar '17 by Dave Hayden II


Source: Dublin County Board (

Yesterday evening at a very well attended Dublin County Board meeting the Dublin Leagues were once again one of the main topics for discussion.

First off we are delighted to announce that RGSC's Junior Smith has become our official League Secretary. Also, we are also indebted to RGSC's Miriam Salmon who has stepped in as our new Juvenile Officer for 2017. This, no doubt is a welcome relief to the DCB as we were very stretched having only 4 officers. We would like to wish both Junior and Miriam the very best for the 2017 season.

At the meeting, Junior discussed the recent proposed changes and came up with recommendations of his own:

In the ladies section, the idea of teams being cut down to 4 players was discussed(2 Scotch or Foursome/4 singles matches) was also discussed and was met with both appraisal and dismissal. Also added to this was the addition of clubs being allowed to enter more than 1 team in each league.

The idea was to play the Ladies League matches on the weekend and if that were to be the case then the doubles format will be scotch foursomes rather than the foursomes played in the past few seasons.

Captains will pick their team accordingly and will no longer have to play players off their handicap marks matching up to the other team. This will bring some tactics to the table instead of players knowing who they are playing beforehand.

Also, a recommendation playing the Ladies Class 2 League with handicaps instead of off Scratch.

The worst case scenario in all case's are we just keep the status quo and remain as we were.

To follow this up we will now have a special 'League' meeting with club delegates on Wednesday, April 5th at 8 pm in CYMC/LC to finalize all of these decisions.

At this meeting, we will be voting on proposals brought to the meeting to confirm what way our leagues will be played for the 2017 season.

All players playing in the leagues are asked to talk to their club representatives on these recommendations. We are trying to improve the leagues for the benefit of you the players so please give your opinion on the matter.

Thank you,

The Dublin County Board

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